Tuesday, July 24, 2018


(Edited to Update, November 2018)
(Edited to Update, December 2018)

Spent most of my free time the last few months(March-July) on a 2d Side Scrolling Platform game. I had hoped to release a demo by Christmas 2018, but didn't have enough free time.

Put a decent amount of time into a 2d Top Down Shooter. And developing art assets for my website. Spent a bit of time on Star Freighter, and a Solitaire game.

I spent more time(July-November) on the 2d Top Down Shooter than the Platformer, so it might be released first. I put most of my spare time(July-November) into Star Freighter though, so none of the shorter games are done yet.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

New things...

The holidays were very busy for me, good though! Now that my schedule has normalized, I'm focused on a number of things. Primarily coding and graphics for my games.

I tentatively plan to release a beta of a simple platformer game by Christmas 2018. Hopefully a pre-alpha a bit sooner. I intend to post periodic updates of my progress here. This target should be achievable, however life isn't always predictable, plans sometimes fall apart.

Also planning a significant update to my website. The update should begin reasonably soon...

These plans may change without notice...